We have collected some of the most popular questions asked by our customers. If you have a question that is not listed below, you can always contact us and we will assist you right away; maybe your question will make the list!
For groups of 15 or more, you are able to get a referee for your own games.
We offer an electric gun rental upgrade for $15 (Etha and Etha 2), pod pack rentals for $5, and chest protectors for $5.
For standalone rental options, masks and air tanks with all day air are $10
You do not need a reservation, however, availability is not guaranteed.
Yes! We welcome all well-behaved furry friends.
Yes, we have several picnic tables and additions fold-out tables as necessary.
We do offer water, soda, Gatorade, and energy drinks.
Yes, we have special masks designed for use with prescription glasses.
Yes! Our speedball fields are open to anyone wanting to play on them, from walk on players to teams.
Guns must be Chrono’d to 295 fps or under prior to playing, all-electric guns must be set to 10.5bps or lower, no full auto.
Air Warriors is a field only facility, meaning paint must be purchased here. No outside paint is allowed.
No. We fill only approved compressed air tanks at our facility.
No, Air Warriors paintball is a family-friendly facility, and alcohol is strictly prohibited.