Air Warriors hosting The Joust on January 28th, 2024

Team Rolling 1v1 Match

Players will register and team captains will have a draft to select their teams for each round of The Joust.

1 hour matches will be played.

How to Play:

Captains will send their team members one-by-one in a continuous play 1v1 format. Winner of each 1v1 remains on field. Team roster members must all compete in a 1v1 before they can play a second 1v1. No paint limits per 1v1, however each team allotted fixed amount of paint to start each match and none can be added. 20 seconds between each point. 10bps NXL Mode.  Sideline coaching, counter coaching, trash talk and crowd participation allowed & encouraged.

Prizes for top Heroes of the Day: Carbon Paintball Mask, pack, and backpack, Hormesis Limited Edition Headbands, Sunday Paintball Swag, Luxe and Shocker Paintball Swag, HK Army mask and swag!

Cost: $65

includes entry and paintballs

limited tickets available

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